Well dining friends, another month has come and gone and Utah's culinary scene is fired up. Lots of new restaurant openings have happened or are soon to come in the next few months, yet nearly my entire list comes from long-time favorites and a couple I discovered while reviewing … [Read more...]
Utah fruits highlighted in September Devour Utah
From salads to pie--and even sushi--local restaurants are anxious to highlight ripe Utah fruits during their peak. Find out what's on the menu at Tradition, Meditrina, Provisions and Sushi Groove by picking up a copy of the issue or clicking here. … [Read more...]
The Chill is On in Devour Utah
The dog days of summer are still upon us in Utah thanks to scorching temperatures. Here are four of my favorite places to chill out with fresh and cool offerings from Ogden to Park City! To read the full article, click here. … [Read more...]
Farmers market cucumber salad
Here is a very simple cucumber salad recipe that will add a bit of pizzazz to the table without taking away from the fresh summer produce found at any of Salt Lake's summer farmers markets. This is easily doubled, tripled or more for larger families or a fast party dish. 1 … [Read more...]
Grilled zucchini and tomato salad with Grandma Sandino’s
One of the best things about eating locally during August and September in Utah is the simplicity of ingredients needed to produce a phenomenal tasting result. Take this grilled zucchini and tomato salad with produce like zucchini from 3 Squares Produce and tomatoes and sauce … [Read more...]