The Year of the Pig officially begins on February 5, marking the start of the Lunar New Year. Dumplings are an important part of the family celebration of Lunar New Year where every member of the family would traditionally participate in the making of the dumplings. Customs … [Read more...]
A Lunar New Year feast at SLICE
February 5, 2019 marks the beginning of Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, and the Year of the Pig in the Chinese zodiac. Lunar New Year celebrates the coming together of family and friends to feast and welcome the new year. Many lucky foods are traditionally eaten for their … [Read more...]
Celebrate Chinese New Year in Utah with these foods
Gong hei fat choy! February 16 marks the beginning of the Year of the Dog in the Chinese zodiac. The celebration of Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, dates back thousands of years and is the most important festival in China. Chinese New Year is all about togetherness and … [Read more...]